Our Mission
We are 6 of us who share a passion for wine. As we have been in these wanderings for a long time, we decided to create a site with 2 main objectives:
- To divulge (mainly) the Portuguese wines (of our Partners and all the others) in Portugal and in the World.
- Evaluate and criticize in a fair, competent and independent way these same wines, helping people in their choices. In this chapter, wherever possible, we will privilege the blind proof.
We do not have oenological academic training. Except, of course, little coursework, workshops, and numerous participations in various events. We are amateurs. But that gives us even greater independence. We will not hesitate to give our honest opinion, give to anyone who hurts … We have nothing to lose …
We are simply oenophiles. And we pretend to be mature oenophiles. As such, our assessments are intended to be simple and objective, without major technical details, since our target audience is: all people. That’s why we are wine4people.
Our Team
Filipe Moreira - (Founder)
Passionate about design and music and everything that life has to offer. He knew wine and since then it has been attached to its charm.
Manuel Brás - (Founder)
Apaixonado por futebol, viagens e gastronomia, interessou se pelo mundo do vinho por amor e esse interesse evoluiu para uma paixão, que o leva a um prazer enorme em partilhar as suas provas, experiências e estados de espirito, com amigos, colegas, família, conhecidos, ou quem queira conhecer este mundo dos sentidos e convívio.
Rui Brás - (Founder)
“Uma vida, uma paixão pelo IT, por viagens e um apreço imensurável pelos sabores do vinho”
Paulo Fernando - (Founder)
“O Vinho é um inebriante mistério… que todos os dias tento desvendar…”
[ceased functions at 2020-01-29]