Results: Name Type of Wine Year Country Region Producer Price Range Blind Taste – Vinhos Tintos até 10€ Blind Taste | White Wine | 6€ - 10€ Blind Tasting – Carrocel 2011 and Fortifieds Blind Taste | Red Wine | 6€ - 9€ Blind Tasting – 10-20 euros Red Wines Blind Taste | Red Wine | 6€ - 9€ Prova Cega – Os melhores Syrah de Portugal Blind Taste | Red Wine | 6€ - 9€ Prova Madre d’Água Blind Taste | Red Wine / White Wine / Porto | 20€ - 190€ 4 Vinhos Portugueses 20-30€ Blind Taste | Red Wine | 20€ - 30€